Tie Dyes, Batiks and Paper Making
Magic Mama's Eco-Art Camp
Paper Making
Tie Dye
Prints and Patches
Friday, July 8th 1-3pm
Participants will learn how to make block prints, stencils, and mono prints then design and create their own "patches" on recycled fabric and paper.
Nature Weaving and Kinetic Sculpture
Tuesday, July 19th 1-3pm
Participants will explore a variety of natural and recycled objects which will be used to create three-dimensional hangings. Possibilities include dream catchers, wind chimes, garden sculptures and more.
Recycled Paper Making
Friday, July 22nd 1-3pm
Participants will learn the art of paper making using natural and recycled materials. We will create seed paper which can be planted, design our own currency, experiment with pulp painting and casting techniques.
For the Birds
Tuesday, July 26th
Participants will use natural and recycled materials to create bird perches, feeders and houses; art for our feathered friends!
Seed Balls and Fling Shots
Tuesday, August 2nd 1-3pm
Participants will learn how to make seed balls using clay, compost, and wild flower seeds. We will use a variety of natural and recycled materials to create "fling shots" with which to catapult the dried seed balls. Learn about some guerrilla gardening ethics and earth stewardship.
Tie Dye and Batik
Friday, August 12th 1-3pm
Participants will learn a variety of fabric dying techniques and create a string of "flags". Batik is a wax resist used to create original designs. Bring a 100% cotton shirt (light color or white) to dye and wear later!