peace pirate rainbow

Saturday, July 24, 2010

6 shows in 3 days and MnDOT strikes again

A brief photo journal of the latest
Magic Mama tour.

Six performances in three days, about 1600 miles of driving, temperatures in the upper 90's with about 99% humidity. Tent camping with frogs, crickets and cicadas. A drivers-side window that wont roll down, gauge panel only works occasionally, a rainbow top-carrier full of camping gear and a bumper sticker that says "Eat My Fish" (compliments of the BullFrog Fish Farm in Wisconsin).
Somewhere south of Kansas City, our radio mysteriously turned itself on just as we noticed a giant fiberglass morel mushroom. (It happened again on our return trip, we decided that the mycelium must have an effect on the airwaves too).

First night in St. Joseph, MO
No sleep until after a storm at about 5 AM, up at 7
First Show

Second Show

Third Show

Fourth Show
Left St. Joseph and drove to Joplin.
Magic Mama's friendly sherpa, Sir Vis

Stopped to harvest some wild plums along the way, found a cicada exoskeleton and an interesting seed pod.
Fifth Show

Sixth Show
All the food we ate on this trip was harvested in our own gardens, purchased directly from the farmer or purchased at a cafe that buys it's ingredients from local growers (except for one falafel).
Thursday night after the sixth performance, a torturous adventure trying to find a place to pee, tried about five different Kansas City exits - no public restrooms, businesses closed etc. After using the Burger King facilities, we had a picnic in a Panera parking lot north of KC at about 9:30 PM. Surrounded by industrial food vendors and pavement, lit by street lamps and a waxing gibbous moon, our locavore picnic went undetected by all but maybe 2 drivers. Not even the Panera employees noticed us, and we were right outside the window. Gifted our compost to a nearby tree that has likely never tasted an organic carrot top.
Arrived at a Missouri State Park at 10:30 PM only to find that the gate was locked. Set up the tent in the turn around and tried to rest, left a note for the ranger just in case. Magic Mama didn't sleep.
We left at 3:30 AM for Des Moines, Iowa.
Got stuck in traffic south of Owattona, MN. Took drivers about two and a half hours to get maybe four miles, one rest area full of some kind of non-native mosquito between the sudden traffic back up and the first exit. No gauges to be able to know how much fuel we had, AC only works on full blast. No 511 info available, no warning signs to allow drivers the option of choosing a detour, officers issuing tickets to anyone who dared make a U-turn to head back to the previous exit.
MnDOT strikes again!
Magic Mama's bubbles out the window brought a few smiles to the frustrated drivers.
Next Stop - Alexandria, MN

Magic Mama is an Eco-Edu-tainer who performs Organic Hip Hop & World Beats for all ages. Through her music, Magic Mama delivers an empowering and hope-filled message of love and respect for all and inspires creative thinking and Earth-friendly actions.
© Magic Mama Music, LLC   •   Web Development by Zumavi Design