Senate Bill S.510
We've been on the island for 4 days now, planted two trees, swam at 4 beaches, hiked 2 waterfalls, visited 2 farmers markets, seen hot lava steaming into the ocean, whales and rainbows. We've eaten fresh, home grown fruit and veggies everyday and our bodies are merging with the land here. I cannot bear to think about the ramifications of this bill without becoming outraged; here, in the land of Aloha. Rage is not an emotion I want to feel yet I do not want to become numb to reality. How can we, all of us backyard gardeners, small farmers, real food lovers, earth advocates; how can we prevent the enactment of tyrannical laws?
I will save and plant seeds until I become a seed myself, planted in the sacred body of Mother Earth.
On Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, the busiest shopping day of the year....I plan to spend time: helping the community of Hawi with their garden at the elementary school.
The US Senate will be busy trying to move S.510 into legislation. The time is NOW to be a squeeky wheel! Contact your Senator.
Good links for more info on Senate Bill S.510
Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund
"Palms open wide fulla seeds that we saved, hands to the Earth - seeds need to be laid, hearts open wide givin' thanks and praise, fists in the sky with a Renegade Spade!" Chorus from the title track of Magic Mama's upcoming album.