Milking Goats and Making Mac
Luring a goat into the new milking stand with a watermelon rind
The new stand makes the milking process so much easier,
no dancing goats or spilled milk
A treat for the babe, too
The milk gets poured through a mesh sieve and put in a glass jar in the fridge
We used a bit to make a batch of Mac-n-Cheese that I "smuggled" in for Sage's birthday present. I took this next picture as I was walking through the greenhouse toward the garden kitchen. I overheard Sage say, "I kinda DONT want to save some for mom" I guess I was just in time for a snitch!
You can see how stoked the kids are to have some good-ole-american-processed-packaged-food-stuffs! Wheat and Cheese, and fresh goat milk.