peace pirate rainbow

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Day out of Time

July 25th, is the last day of the yearly Mayan calendar and is considered to be “a day out of time.” This day is one of forgiveness and artistic celebration of life and freedom. There will be world-wide celebrations in over ninety countries. July 26th marks the beginning of the Mayan New Year and corresponds with the rising of the great star Sirius thus providing an opportunity for harmonizing ourselves with the galaxy.

    The Day out of time is the culmination of the 13 Moon Calendar year originated from the Mayan science of time. On July 25th, Sirius (the dog star) rises with the sun. This day is observed as a day free of time in the 13 Moon Calendar. It is a day of reverence and cultural appreciation for the concept 'Time is Art.' This 'free day' is the closing of a 13x28=364 day year. 
    The Day Out of Time re-aligns the 13 Moon calendar to the solar year and re-aligns humanity into renewed appreciation for our inherent divinity and connection to nature.The 13 Moon Calendar is a Solar, Lunar, Galactic calendar that measures time from a 4th dimensional quantitative and qualitative perspective, revealing the synchronic and cyclical nature of time. The 13 Moon calendar is comprised of thirteen 28 day months, just as there are 13 lunations in a solar year.
    This calendar respects the feminine aspects of nature and integrates them in the reckoning of time. The 13 Moon Calendar also seamlessly functions with the Sacred 260 Day Count of the Maya and other Mesoamerican peoples through the ratio of 13:20. 13x20= 260 Days, which is the average length of a human gestation period. Time is Art. This is a calendar of vision which attunes and aligns us with our environment.

    The Gregorian Calendar is a political calendar of taxation and war derived from Babylonian timekeeping, and instated by the Vatican as a correction to the Julian calendar, which failed to account adequately for the solar year. The Gregorian too, fails to equal the mathematical superiority of the Mayan timekeepers in regards to its accuracy, but even worse, it regards time as linear like it's predecessor. Its measure is based on the 12:60 ratio, which measures time as space and eliminates the integration of the 13 moons with the solar year. What seems a harmless oversight, in fact has a tremendous effect on the consciousness of humanity. Operating in an irregular and uneven shuffle of months, with no recognition of the symbols from which it is derived, time can only be viewed as limited.

    The Day Out of Time is celebrated the world over by people of all cultures who recognize the importance of a natural reckoning of time. The activities and events on the Day Out of Time are mainly determined by the participants in their respective localities. The theme of the Day Out of Time however, is universal. A day of reverence and respect for all life, a dedication to the beauty of eternal time, and an outreach of cultural and community exchange and education relative to the concept of natural time. In short, it's a day to recognize unity and encourage awareness of the importance of our eternal time. It has been celebrated annually since 1992.

"Since traditionally the practice of ART has been the most effective means for the non-aggressive transformation of energy, both external and internal, ART must play a key and major role in the present global revolution. But here ART must be understood in its aboriginal sense of healing, purifying, unifying, and bringing people together into coherent purposive groups. It is in this regard that the "Planet Art Network" has been formed - as the means of implementing revolution by attunement." -José Argüelles, "Earth Ascending."

"It should be noted that the 13-Moon/28-Day calendar is a perfect solar-lunar measure; that is, it uses the even, regular lunar cycle of 28 days as the standard of measuring the 365-day solar cycle of the Earth. The balance of solar and lunar may also be taken as symbolic of human psychological characteristics and their balance or imbalance. A solar-lunar calendar will represent and reflect a balance of the solar-lunar, masculine and feminine qualities within the human being. It is important to bear in mind these considerations of calendars and their effect on shaping the human historical consciousness and its psychological makeup. From this perspective, history is, in fact, a process of falling away from the perfection of harmonic standards. "
- Dr. José Argüelles

What will you create in a Day Out of Time?

Magic Mama is an Eco-Edu-tainer who performs Organic Hip Hop & World Beats for all ages. Through her music, Magic Mama delivers an empowering and hope-filled message of love and respect for all and inspires creative thinking and Earth-friendly actions.
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