Dream Weavers
"All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life. He is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself."
My Great Grandmother, Anna was born in 1891, 37 years after Chief Seattle wrote these words to the President of the United States. I wonder what kinds of stories were woven around her life. Which ones did she choose, which ones did she inherit, which ones did she write for herself? I wonder what Sisterhood was like for her, in the days of the first cars, the first radios, the first portable typewriter, the first civil acts of disobedience by Gandhi.
Granny, as I called her, would crochet intricate lace while likely listening to stories and music, sitting in her wooden rocking chair. I used to visit her in her later years at her little apartment in Minneapolis, MN where we would share a can of soup (which had been invented and mechanized during her lifetime) and her homemade sugar cookies.
Our extended family still gathers around her table cloth for Holiday celebrations, telling stories.
Our extended family still gathers around her table cloth for Holiday celebrations, telling stories.
I wonder about my Great Grandmother Anna, whose name I share, while I sit in sacred circles of women, weaving willow-hoop webs with what is left of her crotchet thread.
I trace my bloodline like a red thread, pondering the miracle of birth: the egg that became me was formed in my Grandmother's body; my daughter's first cells were created in my Mother's womb.
We are all connected.
We are all connected.
A mysterious thread runs through our veins, weaving us through generations of stories; some of them beautiful and empowering, some grief-stricken and debilitating, some layered with guilt or shame, many steeped in love and grace. Invisible threads are traveling between worlds and through time, filaments in the web of life, frequencies of sound and light.
Since the time of Anna's birth, to the coming-of-age time of my own daughter, much has shifted out of balance in this world. It is time to mend the web. It is time for us to weave our new stories and co-create a loving, symbiotic, magical existence on this planet.
I have deep gratitude for all those who have walked before me, literally paving a way to so many possibilities. (The first concrete road was laid during Anna's lifetime). Penecillin was discovered, airplanes and air conditioning invented, internet and computers, cell phones and toasters. My Great Grandmother also lived through WWI, WW2, the Cold War, Vietnam War, the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Great Depression, the Civil Rights movement, Women's Suffrage, the creation of Israel as a Jewish state, the first human on the moon, the first photograph of Earth from space.
The collective human consciousness has become so burdened; too many people inheriting without question worn-out beliefs that no longer serve the soul. Time for new patterns to be woven into our tapestry.
It is time to pull up the pavement, reconnect to the Earth as our Great Mother, create new paths that lead to the collective good while treading gently and with honor in this Sacred Now.
Dream Weavers Unite!
I have been weaving Anna's crochet thread into willow dream catchers. Living deeply into the web, feeling our interconnections and the new world emerging. Calling in all guides and allies, magnetizing the abundant resources of the universe to flow through us. Let love and compassion, healing light and inspiration radiate from our beings.
You Are Not Alone!
~ We Are Al-One ~
In the spirit of Gifting, I have offered these Dream Catchers to anyone who wishes to receive one.
They are not for sale.
They are not for sale.
I have already mailed several and was reminded at the register that the USPS does not honor gift economy.
Even though they are light-as-a-feather, they cost nearly $8 to ship. So, it seems the balancing wisdom here in writing a new story is for me to become open to receiving gifts of support from you, my dear readers!
If you resonate with this Dream Weaver Project and feel inspired to contribute to it's momentum and continue the flow.... pay it forward to another kindred spirit!
I have a nice and easy
Mending the Web
Weaving a New Existence
Where it's All for One and One for All
Sufficient Sustenance
Hearts Pulsate in a Spiral Dance
At the Core ~
Our DNA Twists...
the Story as is Pivots and Shifts
We're putting a new Spin on It!
We are Each an Integral Piece
of a Magnificent Whole
~ Kjersten ~
Happy Thanksgiving