Spiral Labyrinth (Winter Garden)
A Magic Mukluk Meander past the Moon Lodge, winding my way into the center of the spiral garden. My feet remember every layer of mulch, clover, compost. I nod in greeting to every buried friend: anise hyssop, lemon gem marigold, borage, wild garlic (transplanted from the Ozarks), asparagus, thyme, blue flag iris, parsley, rudbeckia, arugula, kale, strawberries, and so many more.
My bird's-eye view from the back porch. We hadn't had a ray of sun here in eight days! Basking
Another angle, just for perspective. See the little pixie-sized boot prints? Moments before I took this photo, there was a chickadee at the feeder just in front of me! Deep Roots Records studio has been set up and there will be a song on "Renegade Spade" for the chickadee, my favorite joyward bird.