peace pirate rainbow

Thursday, October 4, 2012

WaterWoman - Sabado

Saturday's Schedule at Water Woman Festival in Vilcabamba, Ecuador 2012

8 am Whaka Haka Yoga at the Sol Sanctuary

9 am Priya Mohan Sound Journey at the Lotus Lounge

While both yoga and sound journey were happening, 
Samantha Sweetwater was at the Condors Nest facilitating a program called Choose Your Life

One of the challenges of having so many incredible programs at the festival is that many of them overlapped so participants had to choose between them.  Hopefully next year, things will be organized in such a way as to minimize this overlap.

At the Ten-ish hour, Lula Chapman led a Performance Art Game 

and Liza Hunter presented Shamanic Healing: Soul Retrieval

At 11:30, Tzai and Vinaya presented an Intro to Inca Cosmovision

Back at the Sol Sanctuary, Sita Devi led a Bhakti Yoga class at noon while Jay Schumacher offered a Masters of Reality workshop in the Condors Nest

At about 1 pm, Becca Tzigany presented: The Goddess Re-Baptized at the Lotus Lounge while acoustic music began at the Quetzalqoatl Starship

I was scheduled to perform for an hour but I was very ill and had to reschedule for Sunday
Fortunately, there was no shortage of musical talent at this event so the show did go on!

Felix performed with a band, followed by Singing Bear.  I could hear the music from my bed at the hotel and luckily, there were great photographers at the festival so I can still share a glimpse!

KK Ledford offered another Anusara Yoga program at the Sol Sanctuary at 1:45 

3:30 at the Mandala de Tierra, a Karpai was held by the Q'eros

Meanwhile, Felix had moved his instruments to the Lotus Lounge for a workshop and Darren Clayton was facilitating Spiritual Identity and the Jedi at the Lunar Loft while Kailash Kokopelli was doing Chi Movement in the Condors Nest

At 4 pm in the Sol Sanctuary, Christabel Zamor
 offered another Ceremony of the Heart Breathwork 

Sunset Ceremony began about 5:30 at the Mandala de Tierra and Quetzalqoatl Starship

Fantuzzi took us for a journey from the Starship stage after the Ceremony

At the Lotus Lounge, DJ Crystal Eyes rocked it all night long while Lola Pink was at the Nostradamus Hideout (treehouse) 

and Denise Chalela was at the Sol Sanctuary

Next up, Adham Shaihk at the Starship Stage

Twilight Circus Dub Sound System at the Treehouse

 and Cheb I Sabbah at the Sol Sanctuary

Into the witching hour....Kaminanda at the Starship

 DJ Sasquatch (AKA Gary Edwards) at the Treehouse

 and Crystal DNA at the Sol Sanctuary

Fire performances throughout the festival

Magic Mama is an Eco-Edu-tainer who performs Organic Hip Hop & World Beats for all ages. Through her music, Magic Mama delivers an empowering and hope-filled message of love and respect for all and inspires creative thinking and Earth-friendly actions.
© Magic Mama Music, LLC   •   Web Development by Zumavi Design