Web of Life
As I sit in sacred circles of women, listening deeply and sharing stories, I have been weaving Dream Catchers out of willow branches and my Great Grandmother's crotchet thread. More of that story in the Dream Weavers post. Here I would like to focus specifically on the symbolism and energy of the Dream Catcher itself.
Over the past couple of months, my daughter and I have been caring for a home in a small rural town in Southern Wisconsin. In the backyard is a large curly willow tree that had grown up against the garage and needed to be pruned way back. I climbed up onto the roof of the garage and carefully cut away the branches, such beautiful twisting limbs. One by one, I have been snipping the smaller wisps off the larger limbs and weaving them into small hoops.
The Willow Tree shows us how to adapt to life, how to be flexible, how to bend where necessary. Being such a water-loving plant, the Willow teaches us much about flow as it follows a path of least resistance. Cut green branches of a willow can grow new roots, perpetuating it's abundance even in the face of seeming destruction.
The circular hoop of the Dream Catcher represents the Earth and mirrors the orbital path of the planets around the sun. It is the circle of life, containing all life, with no beginning and no end. A continual cycle of death and rebirth.
Many of the hoops have a small bead woven into the center which symbolizes the spider. According to legend, it is Spider who wove the first alphabet and taught people how to record their history and stories this way. Spider is the weaver of fate, the embodiment of creative energy.
There is a belief that good dreams are allowed to pass through the web, while bad dreams get caught and tangled. I prefer to think of it more in terms of supportive messages infused with loving energy as the "good" and fear based, anxious or tense feelings as the "bad", not placing any judgement on what we experience in the dream realms.
While I create these webs, I am also imagining the invisible threads that connect and unite us all. Opening to the collective wisdom of the ages, through time and space, bringing a new pattern into the human story on this planet as we weave together our new visions.
I have offered these Dream Weavings in the Spirit of Gift Economy to anyone who is open to receiving.
To add your name and address to the list of recipients, send a message in a bottle, tell me a story!
For the energy to continue flowing, we must all find a balance in giving and receiving. The Earth is Abundant by nature, we embody this abundance.
On this day, I Give Thanks to all the humans who are living in harmony with the land, caring for the air and water, the plants and animals and stones. I Give Thanks for all the humans who are waking up and finding a more gentle and compassionate way to walk in this world. I Give Thanks for those who present challenges that allow me to feel my strength and show me what qualities I might wish to adjust in myself. I Give Thanks for those who have lived before us, speaking truth in the the face of adversity.
I Give Thanks for the love and support of family, friends, ancestors and even those of you I have not yet met in this lifetime.
We are All Connected!
PS ~ shipping still costs dollars. If you appreciate this project and would like to lend your energy to the mix, please consider making a donation